Mission Statement

To help protect the Public Health and Environment by surveying all licensed laboratories for compliance with all applicable regulations and reviewing their compliance testing data for scientific validity and defensibility.

The ELITE Program identifies laboratories that are able to isolate (grow and identify) Legionella from a water sample using a culture method. Earning an ELITE Certificate does not guarantee that at other times a laboratory will be able to isolate legionellae from every sample in which they are present, because the ability to find Legionella in a sample can be affected by the quality of the sample the laboratory receives.

If you need samples tested during an investigation into cases of disease, you should consider using an ELITE member laboratory. This will ensure that the laboratory understands the extra measures needed to secure an environmental isolate for public health investigations. However, when testing is used to validate a water management program in the absence of disease, different performance criteria may apply. Regardless of the reasons for testing, assays should be conducted by a laboratory that is accredited by a regional, national, or international accrediting body. Also, the test method used for finding Legionella should be included in that laboratory’s scope of accreditation.

Arizona Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

California Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

Florida Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

Colorado Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

Georgia Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

New Jersey

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

Virginia Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

Illinois Laboratory

  • CDC ELITE Legionella CertificateView

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  • 43760 Trade Center Place
    Suite 100
    Dulles, Virginia 20166

    (877) 648-9150

    (877) 598-0946
