Ami Modha joined Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Los Angeles, CA location in 2019 as microbiologist and was shortly promoted to technical manager. Ami joined Aerobiology with 9 years of research experience in diverse areas including microbiology, fungal ecology, molecular biology and enzymology. Ami graduated in 2016 specializing in morphological, molecular, and enzymatic studies of plant-fungal association. She worked as post-doctoral research fellow for three years at department of microbiology, University of Mississippi prior to joining Aerobiology. She has developed new assays and unique findings pertaining to arbuscular mycorrhizae. She has been a part of American Society of Microbiology and Ecological Society of America. Ami has published and presented more than 10 scientific research articles in international journals and conferences. She is actively involved in IAQ related analysis, water testing, and dealing with technical issues with clients. Ami always strives towards giving best to the clients and towards betterment of the company.
Posted In:
14 Oct
Ami Modha, PhD